I had an elf licking on the bottom of one of my fancy deck chairs, I ran him off multiple times but he always came back the next day. Sunday morning he started licking the web seat and I know his next move would be to chew a chunk out of it.
Destructive elfs don't get much sympathy around my place so I decided to dispatch him. I went to my gun safe, reached across my elf gun for my trusty 22. The elf saw me coming and scampered up the side of a tree about 30 yards away but he stopped and looked back, big mistake. After I hit him the first time he headed for the tree line. I put two more in him before he got out of sight, he flip flopped on the last shot. Shot to pieces, I left him for the coyotes.
When hunting dangerous destructive elves one doesn't go for a single shot fancey elf gun.