A fitting name for a bow posted on Friday 13th i reckon. Purely unintentional, but it did cause me to chuckle a bit.
Osage backed with sinew and rawhide. Yall might have noticed i have a thing for this combo:) I burned in the decorative dots around the wood and then continued them around onto the rawhide using ink so as not to disturb the backing. Buffalo horn was used for the nocks and arrow rest. Outter limbs are reflexed and dont bend much, making it pretty snappy at 38# @ 24.5".
One thing i learned from this bow is that sometimes they prefer to be shot "upside down" from what i expected and how i built it. I resisted this at first, but kept re-testing and came up with the same results. Less hand shock and more accurate. Finally i decided...who am i to argue with the bow.