Author Topic: Your Hunting Style  (Read 15186 times)

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Offline sleek

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2018, 03:11:27 pm »
I read somewhere about using turkey calls to bring in deer. Deer use turkey as danger alarms, and if a turkey is in the area, it must be safe.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2018, 05:59:37 pm »
Last year I had five Jake turkeys that everytime they showed up about a minute later three little bucks would appear.
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Offline ntvbowyer1969

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2018, 02:01:45 am »
The biggest part of success is know the areas you hunt. I spend all year in the areas i hunt. In the summer i take hikes in my areas. I spend time set up in the woods glassing the deer/turkeys from a distance and see what areas they frequent. what trails they use and when. I have a tablet i keep notes in of old rub areas/old scrapes/where the oaks are and other feed/browse. I also mark in each areas the predominant wind directions. I also utilize trail cameras.(i know some in the primitive world) would frown apon using such a modern device. They are a great toll for success and can let you learn a lot about whats going on in a given area when you are not able to be there. Another big part of finding high percentage sets is to find out where the deer are bedding/turkeys are roosting. Just like us when they wake up they are going to look for breakfast. My favorite sets are between bedding areas and feeding areas. This is the best spot to set up hands down. During the rut hunt where the does are. most likely they will be close to feeding areas.I have found that they change there bedding areas also to avoid being bugged by love sick bucks. I find all of these areas by still hunting/stalking. walk slowly (only if conditions are in your favor) no dry leaves,swirling winds,keep the wind in your face,and use cover. doing this is how you find these areas. besides stalking i use tree stands place in those areas i talked previously about. In between bedding and feeding areas. i also set up on the ground when there are no trees big enough to tree stand hunt. Big logs,a small rise or cliff overlooking these trails.bushes,there are so many good spots on the ground. after season my hunting doesnt stop. I am in there looking for antler sheds to see what bucks made it.It is also easier to see the trails they are using and of coarse i mark these in my note book. Getting permission to hunt private land can be hard to obtain here where i live in PA. All of my hunting takes place on the Game Lands. There is plenty of good hunting in them but you cant just hunt by the parking areas. you need to get back in there where others are not as willing to venture. A good deer cart can haul stands in and deer out readily. well that was a lot more long winded than i planned but thats what i do.also good luck to every one this upcoming season and above all have fun.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 02:10:23 am by ntvbowyer1969 »

Offline PaulN/KS

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2018, 10:21:50 am »
How successful am I with my style of hunting ?  ???
Not...  :-[

Offline Ed Brooks

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2018, 01:05:51 pm »
Don't be afraid to try some calls too. I've gotten shooting at does using a predator calls. Just be ready to defend yourself as they come running to see what's there or help the distressed I'm not sure. I use this from the ground when up close to them. Bucks don't want anything to do with this calling.

Crazy never heard of that before, so like a fawn bleat? OR dying rabbit?
Yeah I'm not what I use. I don't know that it makes a lot of difference. I don't know if they come to protect the dying or i-d the predator. I have called a cow with a calf in also. Ed
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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2018, 01:23:43 pm »
Fawn distress calls early in the season will often get does to literally charge to the sound with eyes wide open and ears straight up. One problem, they are so alert its very difficult to draw and shoot a bow. It was much easier with a compound as I could draw and hold for a minute or so. I use my mouth for all deer vocalizations, sounds better than any plastic call will make. But it takes a lot of practice and of course your throat and sinuses have to be totally clear.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2018, 02:07:57 pm »
I was sitting next to a very large long leaf yellow pine blowing a fawn distress call one day. After about 30 minutes and nothing happened I went to get up and the big old doe that had sneaked up behind me blew and I almost soiled myself.  :o  She was so close to me I could feel her snort on my neck.
When does come in to a fawn distress call they come to fight and are very alert. I think it would be hard to get an arrow in one.
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Offline trad_bowhunter1965

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2018, 09:20:12 am »
I use tree stand and ground blinds where I can but 95% of my hunting is spot and stalk.
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Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2018, 09:40:06 am »
I hunt old growth hardwoods and cypress swamps in south Alabama.  It is family property so I have ladder stands that are never taken down.  I also hunt on the ground about half the time.  There is lots of good advice in the above posts by some really accomplished hunters.  Hunting into the wind and leaving an area undisturbed for most of the year are high on my list of tactics.  My tree stand hunting is never over about twelve feet high.  My ground hunting is usually from a folding stool and wearing one of those leafy suits.  I like trail intersections and well used routes between feeding and bedding areas.  October - I set up around white oaks where they are popping acorns and where I find fresh droppings.  My success rates went up when I started setting up with my back to where the deer are coming from.  I want to hear them coming rather than see them.  Learning to stop moving your head around and sit still until the deer passes you by and gives you that quartering away shot, to me is the most important thing.  I don't fool with deodorizing spray, calls, unscented detergent, ozonics, or really any of the snake oil that is being marketed to hunters.  If the wind is wrong, you won't win.  I have venison in my freezer just about all the time, but I measure success differently than some folks.  If I end the season having had a few encounters with mature deer that were under twenty yards away and unaware of my presence, then it was a successful year.  I can't wait for October! 
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline DC

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2018, 09:49:32 am »
When you set up so the deer are coming from behind how do you orient yourself to the wind? A cross wind?

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2018, 10:07:37 am »
It takes some planning.  Setting up the ambush is the best part of the hunt.  You have to think about your scent and where it is being blown.  You have to think about your entire approach to the general area as well as your stand placement in terms of a deer's sense of smell.  It is his best defense.  I move up to a stand location with the wind in my face.  My usual set up is with deer moving in a cross wind out of a bedding area and into a stand of white oaks.  Waiting on deer to settle down and begin feeding on acorns while I am part of the woods, just a few yards away is one of the most exciting things I can think of.  I love being so close to them that I can hear them munching on acorns and the little quiet sounds they make between mama and babies. I can't think of anything I like better than hunting deer with a bow in my lap on an October morning.   
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline DC

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2018, 10:49:44 am »
How much does your scent spread as it goes downwind of you? Is it a narrow "V" or fairly wide?

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2018, 11:16:14 am »
Not real sure.  I have heard of it referred to as a "scent cone" so I think it gets wider and less concentrated as it gets further downwind.  We have lots of wild hogs around here and their noses seem to be keener than the deer.  I have watched hogs coming single file, raising hell as usual,  towards my stand on a bit of a crosswind and when they cut my scent cone a hundred yards downwind of me, come to an abrupt halt, all quit squealing and grunting, pause a second and then haul ass in the direction they had come from.  Hogs are great fun to stalk, but their nose is second to none.  One whiff of you and they are history.   
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline DC

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2018, 01:45:00 pm »
Yeah, that's what I was wondering about. I wonder if it(the angle) depends on wind speed. Like maybe the angle is narrower if the wind is up. I can Google it now that i know what it'd called.

Offline DC

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Re: Your Hunting Style
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2018, 01:49:53 pm »
Here's a good site. http://  Insert missing "W". It's about tracking dogs but the theory is the same. It's not just a straight cone. There's back eddies and such to throw a wrench into the works.