Mojam holds a special place for me, so I thought it was about time I give back to such a great group of guys and gals, so several months ago I volunteered to build the trophies for the first broadhead flight shoot happening at Mojam. I am pretty pleased with the results, and I hope the winners will like them as well.
I built one for each of the two main classes, self bow and backed bow. For the backed bow I decided to build a static recurve, and for the self bow I chose a reflex / deflex profile. I also put a little wiggle in the self bow.
Both of these are made of brass, soldered at the joints. They are both 1/8th scale models. The arrows are .045" and the string measures just .013". I would say the most difficult part was soldering the fletchings onto the arrow shaft. Trying to keep them all aligned while joining the 3 simultaneously was challenging. I think I made 7 of them before being satisfied with 2.

They are mounted on walnut bases. My wife Josephine thinks I should put an etched plaque on each. What say you?
I enjoyed building them, something different for a (hopefully) exciting event.
Make your way to Marshall, Mo in a couple weeks and join us for some fun and your chance to take them home with you.