Hello first post! been watching this forum on and off.
In frustration of lack of solid info about bow woods in Australia i went out and just cut from my property what seemed plausible options, which were Australian Blackwood (Acacia Melanoxylon) and another that i think is Native Musk (Olearia argophylla) its very heavy and dense and seems to bend well. Got my eyes on a few other oddballs growing around here like lancewood (Nematolepis squamea) , and horizontal scrub (Anodopetalum biglandulosum) and I also found a blackheart sassafras tree which is not related to normal sassafras, eucalytpus seems like a waste of time from what ive read and what ive got available.
Two thin tallish understorey sized trees haul so far.

About 20 staves all up. most of the trunk lengths were quartered, staves around 6ft, tightish grain due to tall thin shape. the Acacia grew with twist so ill have to deal with it, some of the bad pieces have about 90 degrees of twist from end to end

Roughed out a bow from the acacia, all sapwood, the heartwood seems to snap more easy than the sapwood too. tied it down to dry and try and untwist it. Theres a kno=t with crumbly bad wood inside, on the edge of the limb do i drill it out? if so do i just sand it and leave a hole or do i fill it up with something?

What are the best bow shapes and dimensions for uncertain woods? my staves are drying inside neatly stacked and spaced, should they be tied down or even roughed out? the roughed out bow is prob around 70 inches around 3inch at the widest point, was gonna try for short, stiff, thin tips