You lot are awesome, thanks for all of the feedback!
Yeah I think I might be taking more video from now on Del, well once i think I'm getting close to final tiller anyways.
Did you tiller your bow with a tillering gizmo?
I heat treated a hickory bow a few weeks ago, the heat treating threw the tiller way off and I lost a good bit of poundage getting the tiller back in line.
haha If you can call clamping a bow upside down in a vice a tillering gizmo. . . but yes I will make something proper up for the next one and I need to sort out a clean background, that might help too.
hi zach, your desings also seem a bit on the limits to me - short bows with even shorter bending sections. doing so requires both, perfect wood and perfect tiller and still is risky. wasnt number one even shorter? cheers and good luck for the next one. basicly you do very nice work. never give up - i lately had 3 bows broken!
Thanks simk! haha i dont know if that is reassuring or not

. funnily enough I read Steve's "Build Along (building by mass)" last night, and i punched in these numbers to an excell sheet I made based on the parameters he gave: ntn 67", draw length 33" (based on quite stiff outer limbs), handle+fade 14" (based on the fact that I didnt get it bending enough near the fades) and weight at 55#.
The formula tells me that I should be at 780g (28 oz). . . actual weight of the bow was 670g (23.6 oz)
so as you said, not enough bending area by far!
If i had got the fades bending more, and dropped target draw to 50# i would have been right on the money! haha next time.
dieselcheese: good point, I am impatiant, although it did rest overnight?
If the lower limb was more like the top you would have been just about spot on. Next one :0)
haha I'll cut the top limb off and save it for when the next one breaks and make a take down!!
Thanks bjrogg! next one will be 70" pyramidish with a nice short handle/fade section, maybe even a bit bendy handle. as far as heat treat goes, I can no where near mark the belly with my thumbnail after heat treat, but can still mark the back and sides? does that sound about right? and I'll let them rest a bit longer next time too.
Thanks Bush!
Thanks Osage!
It happens... Looks like you're building a trailer there?
yeah mate, getting a new boat, so a trailer is needed haha