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Turkey Wing Bone Call - Build-a-long (added Soup Recipe)

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Decided to do the "Writing/Drawing" before the lanyard. I have recently started spraying one light coat of the Krylon Crystal Clear on the "bones" before going to the Felt tips and/or brushes, inks, whatever. That way if the bones have been scraped, or roughed up a little, it won't make your ink or whatever run out, spread, or feather from where you are trying to mark cleanly. Kind of acts like a base coat before attempting to write or draw.

Gather your writing/drawing instruments and your call(s) and just start putting what you (or someone else) wants on there:


When you think you're done, is when you should stop - or maybe a little bit before that . I don't normally show pics of ones I'm sending out ahead of time (a surprise, you know?) but for this teut I will. Here is one side of all three calls, one call for Mike Brooks (helped me with my bow building), one for Mike Miller (OC 1st Anniversary Draw and well thought of chap), and the two bone call which will be sent to Chuck Bunn (sent me his Dad's old Marine knife):


The other side of all three calls:


I will now spray a couple more coats of Crystal Clear on (Remember - don't get the can too close and wind up blasting your markings away!), and then we'll see about lanyards and gee-gaws, if any.

Now, Putting the lanyards, and whatevers, on depends a lot on what you have, and/or want to put on, what kind of "hook-up" you made, etc. So all I am going to do is show you the end results of my putting mine on these three - just as f''rinstances.

Crooked Stic's, with a carved whitetail antler tip, on round tan rawhide (kinda like "wing and hoof", as opposed to "surf and turf"):


Mike Brooks', with round black rawhide, a metal spear/arrow type charm, like I have on my walking/exercise stick (that he liked), and stopper beads:


Chuck's, on a black cord, with beads, and one of my dog tags - because I saw (in a picture) that he has saved his Dad's dog tags, and I thought he might like this one to remind them where the knife went:


This is a (novelty) bonus pic, just for kicks. The coin is a Silver (Metal) Dollar (from the year I retired from the USMC that I carry) for size reference. The calls are novelty WBC made from chicken bones (they work but aren't the strongest things in the world -  . I made one for Dano's Grandson when he was born - to match Dano's "adult" one I had made earlier.


OK, we're Dunn ... er, I mean done, here. Hope you enjoyed (and learned a trick or two from) the teutorial.

Pat B, my friend, Rose tells me she never used a recipe and that it never tastes the same twice in a row. I say it always tastes the same ... Dad-burned Tasty! Anyway she says it varies by how much meat you are using - then you have to season, noodle, and broth to meet the meat, so to speak - LOL. However she also said she will write it down for me next time. That won't be too long from now as i already have about 4 or 5 more folks in mind to make calls for soon.

If you folks enjoyed this and haven't seen my thread on the Primitive Skills forum, you might want to go take a look for the thread, "To Those Promised ..."  and you will see some more real recent Turkey WBC examples there.

Otoe Bow:
Bernie:  That is fantastic.  I'll have to study it in detail later.  Thanks for sharing.


Pat B:
Bernie, Your wife cooks like me. By taste. ;D I very rarely use a recipe except for the ingredients.
   Thanks again for posting this build along. Very informative!  8)   Pat

I am pleased to be able to do it, gents.

As promised earlier in the thread, here are a couple pics of a Turkey Yelper Call similar to the Wing Bone call but made simply by fitting graduating sizes of Cane pieces together until you get the sound you want. Then you glue the pieces and decorate it however you care to. Same principles as with the Wing Bone Calls.


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