So, Diesel, I have been thinking about this. I think the solution long term lies in getting better at reflexing and recurving your staves. Baker's way works, but so many ways can work.
I've had all the same troubles you have, and I have had bows I JUST couldn't make line up, where after several trips to the forms, etc, I finally broke em. But it can be done.
For me, with my ADHD head, laying good groundwork was the key. Studying staves, squaring and thicknessing them before bending, not trying to fly by the seat of my pants last minute, but having a well made form ready to go when the bow comes out of the boiling pot, etc.
Making a 70 degree recurve 6-7 " long is pretty challenging, but just getting a couple inches of tip "flipped" over 6-8" of limb SHOULD be a cake walk. Also, if you thin the tips enough and plan on adding overlays, etc.. it's gotta work.