Hi all!
This is my first post, so I thought I'd introduce myself first

My name is Matt, and I'm a 28 year old from South Africa. Like the rest of you, I've always had a passion for traditional archery. I started off with a store bought kids bow that flung an arrow about as effectively as if I had just thrown the damn thing

Despite that, I loved it. Ironically, when I showed some promise, my old man bought me a compound bow and my interest wained. Because cams and sights seem a bit daft, to be honest.
Years later and I've moved to a property with enough space to shoot a bow comfortably. I decided to see whether or not I can actually make a functional bow, so I bought a pine plank and decided to give it a whirl. No research, no power tools, no idea what I was doing. I used a pen knife only. It looks disgusting, the string follow is awful, but it has somehow settled at 37# @28.
The bug has bitten, suffice it to say.
I managed to get my hands on some Garapa wood, because here in SA not even lumber shops have heard of Osage.
I'm a teacher as a profession, and some of my students have been asking me to give them introductory lessons (we have a couple of archery butts at school). I've allowed the kids (13 years old) to use my pine plank, but I've noticed they don't tend to draw it far enough to reach any decent speed. The design is a basic pyramid flat bow shape, with crudely glued on 'horn nocks'.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about a better design to use with my Garapa wood? I was thinking a slight reflex/deflex shape with static recurves, because my (very rudimentary) understanding suggests that'll be efficient at lower draw lengths. My main student is also keen on horse archery, so I was considering that shape (Han Dynasty-like) to help her adapt. 40# is my ideal weight.
Thanks a lot! Great to be here among you all!