So, my unfinished bows are still causing problems

Bow no 1 measurments for DC are (width/thickness in mm): 2" before knot: 38/21, @ knot 37/22, 2" after knot 35/18.
On the following pic you clearly see the extra wood @ the knot - obviously didn't follow the grain there...
As far as I understood Del's pet would go for a yew-plug. My decision-making is not clear at the moment but I still think it would be easier and safer to tiller with the hole filled (
with a steady thickness taper). Therefore I feel a slight tendency to follow Del's advice. Altough I like the idea of a bow with a hole. Thoughts?
On bow no 2 I've remarked 2 bad pressure marks from the leather gloves I used as cushions between wood and clamps while steaming (pic 2). Next time I have to take clean leather pads without stitches and folds...Can I make them dissappear with steaming again?
And a basic quastion about bow no 2: I'm a little concerned because it seems to have become a rather stressed design with these recurves and with a bow length of 63". Do I have to worry about it(Edit: If I aim for 50"@27)? It's a perfect piece of yew, wide and flat, planned slightly working recurves... (pic 3 - with my coppices in the background

Cheers, thanks and have a very nice day!