since I was here last time, you did lot's a work - congrats and thanx for presenting those fantastic bows, DC, Weylin, bushboy, TorstenT @ all the others...
Now I have some new staves in the works and a new question:
The stave below should become a recurved flatbow, Weylin-style, without triangels (-;
Now the width is about 1 6/8 and thickness is about 7/8 and there still is almost no bend - I assume, that in the end thickness will be max. 5/8.
As I have relativly thick sapwood - about 3/8 (9-10mm metric) -
there won't last too much corewood in the end. I therefore was thinking about reducing some sapwood and take down some rings.
Do I have have to reduce the sapwood? Would you?
Could I also decrown the stave? Is this an good idea with yew? Has anyone decrowned a yew stave sucessfully? My idea about decrowning is, that with a flatter back I could take full/better advantage from the flatbow design....(surplus I could avoid the pain of following a ring

[By the way: The knot on the last last picture has already fallen away with reducing, the picture is from an earlier stadium - so don't care about this...]