Red Dwarf Have you got the heater going where the bow is? It's quite easy to run the moisture content to low in the winter in these situations. You also have 45# at brace height which translates to about an 111# bow@28"

. Elm and Hickory are tough woods, but you exceeded the limit for that bow ..
If you have 15#'s at brace height of 6", and another 20" of draw at say 3#'s andinch gives you a 75# bow, a backed bow like that may not lose that much poundage, and depending on the unbraced profile you can see you need to have a little less poundage at brace than that..It really depends on the reflex etc. as well.
.At the point where your bow blew I'm still floor tillering the bow and getting a feel for how each limb reacts to the bending. It's real easy to lay more weight than necessary on the pully rope..
Hey It's only wood..You aren't the first to do this trick and you won't be the last...