Hi guys and gals!
Just thought I would put up an introduction post.
My name is Zach, I'm an absolute novice attempt at a bowyer from the lovely pearl of the south pacific, New Zealand, which alows year round, un-monitered, hunting of 6 deer species, wild pigs, himalayan tahr and chamois. . . As such i can hopefully introduce some novel wood types and banter to the forum. . . Haha but considering i am only half way through my second bow any results i manage might be a bad reflection of our wood

Said bow that I am half way through is a Kanuka mollegabet selfbow; 68" ntn, aiming for 50# at 31". However i feel that 31" might be too long a draw. . . As in it is what i pull, but too much strain on the wood? (The joys of not having a clue). But on the flip side I have heard stories, from the very limited information I could find on our wood species, that it makes a good bow, so here's hoping!!
Once I figure out the photo thing I will whack a photo of the current project up.
Thanks for accepting me to the forum, looking forward to absorbing a lot of info in the near future!