Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

322 yards with 41" osage

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Just a little training and you are there! Its a funny bow design. Not really typical.  :D

On the weekend we will have a flight shooting competition, where I will shoot the bow again.
I'm thinking a bit longer draw and more arrows. I dared to shoot the good arrow only two times, 283, 295m. Decided to save it for the competition, so lets see what it can do...

Good luck!!!

Oh yeah I see the 300m coming so close! Good luck and post the results!

I remember getting started with this Flight archery, and it seemed to take forever to reach 300 yards with all natural materials gear.  Do you have enough time before the competition to make some arrows that fall between the heavy and stiff arrows, and the light farthest flying arrow?  It is a challenge to find that perfect balance of tuning and speed with these short draw lengths.


Well actually i'm not there yet... The string is bcy 452x. I could make a linen string but it would be crazy thick. I think i will shoot with the bcy for now and shoot with linen in 50# class. In autumn i will definitely try linen strings on heavier bows.
But you are right, it takes some time. I have awful lot of flight arrows that just didn't work.

I do have a day free on thursday, so i'll do couple flight arrows more.

Thank you for the wishes!


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