DC, The hole saw! That's it! I was already thinking about how to do as PatM suggested, didn't know how to cut a nice circle. Thanks.
With the next one I will use a slightly bigger radius but only cut one piece out, so that I can reglue the original piece. Why did you do 2 cuts? Anyway I wouldn't worry about a failure with your bow - you can hang a car on this piece of wood. My first was much worse so that I definitly had to fix it with fiberglass. Yours must be still ok.
bushboy: I did this, but its enormous stress for the wood if you do just a v - it's not bending nice unless you go too deep, at least for memyselfandI The challenge is, to get it done so nice, that you don't need a handle wrap. Mine also looks a bit odd because I also dry heated for the bend, which wasn't a good idea and gave stronger outlines.
Now I got an ugly tillering-job to do on this