Thanks for all the advice guys! It looks like I need to look in on the hickory market, I feel like I've been pointed to a more stable starting point.
TorstenT i live in an earth ship so the sunroom runs along the entire front of the house, its where we grow our winter produce. I thought it would be more humid in there than in the house but there very similar. So probably to dry.
jeffp51, I do not have a basement.

. I live in Huntington 15 minutes south of Price.
Limbit, I know Where I could get Scrub oak, tamarisk, and I bet I could find a long enough piece of mountain mahogany if I went on a hike up the mountain.
Bayou Ben, that is pretty sweet! sounds like what I need. I went to Rabit stick primitive skills gathering up in Rexburg ID, last year and met a guy named Bill McConnell. He had a pretty sweet and simple 50'' plaines style sinew backed hickory bow, I may or may not have fallen in love with it.

I think it would be fun to try making one like that, time will tell