Julian, I don't think this will be an issue with the added handle block popping off or anything. It looks like enough thickness, so you got that.
But, I'm with the crowd here. The issue with a fade-out that sharp is that the limb goes from completely stiff to bendy all at once. This concentrates forces at that stress point. Even if the limb is bending less 1/2" out from the handle than it is 2" from the handle, the highest strain is still there at 1/2".
Let me put it another way. I take x-rays for a living, ok? Bulged and ruptured vertebral disks from lifting injuries are almost entirely confined to the lumbar spine's 4th/5th and 5th/1st sacral vertebral spaces.
Why? Because you bend down to lift, and with the weight in front of you it's hard not to bend your back. The strain of lifting transfers down the lower back until it arrives at a spot that cannot bend, which is the sacrum. This creates a fulcrum point, and the LAST thing that could bend (L5/S1 joint space) takes the brunt. That's where the disk blows.
Make sense? Especially with the leverage of the whole limb applied, that area where it bends RIGHT before it goes stiff, is at risk of fretting, breaking, or setting.