I've been enjoying the post of the Tom Lucas style bow build. Even taking notes to maybe use myself.
Here are a couple 99% complete bighorn bows I'm finishing. The shorter is a single horn 30" long. I am unable to draw it more than 17.5" by hand where it draws 66#. The photo is on the tree where it is being drawn a full 18". The stack is so huge at 17.5" drawn by hand. Feels like full draw to me. These are the kind of bows you can draw back as far as you can to release the arrow. Makes for a good buffalo bow at close range. The bow is a near match to an old Crow bow. 6 layers of sinew applied. 3 layers first, waited a week then 2 more, waited a week then the last layer was back sinew 30+" long for a single placement. The under layers were long elk leg sinews over 20" long and 15" bundles joined in the middle with extra sinew sections for the handle. over 70 grams total dry sinew weight. On both these bows I weigh sinew to make sure limbs have equal amount. Knock tips are molded sinew. 3 ply elk back sinew string.