This spring I discovered some wormholes in some of my wood stash. Here's a picture of the culprit, I don't know if any of you could identify it.

I store my wood in the rafters of my parent's shed, but I think I was the one that introduced the bugs when I stored some juniper I harvested last spring that I failed to take the bark off of. I went over each piece and either discarded it, or took my drawknife to it and uncovered all tunnels to make sure no larvae remained. I recently got some more wood, and don't want this stuff to get bugs if they happen to still remain, since maybe they are in the shed now. I thought about doing a bug bomb but according to this site ( it might not be the most effective. It recommends Boracare instead which is an insecticide like substance you add to water and spray on the wood. However, I can't find anything less than a gallon's worth and it's close to $100 for that much. I don't think I need that much nor do I have $100 to drop on it. I noticed on Amazon's website that it lists under the description this information (
Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate (Borate) 40%.How Bora Care Works Boracare contains an inorganic borate salt, soluble in water, with insecticidal. Wood Destroying Fungus, Termite Control and wood-destroying insects such as termites, carpenter). It got me wondering if I could just mix borax with water and get the same results, since borax is also made from borate salt? However, I'm not sure what the inseticidal is, and if it is essential for the boracare to work. I also don't know if the borate salts are processed in a certain way that borax is not. I am seeing that boric acid is what's commonly used in insecticides, whereas borax is I believe alkaline. Anybody know where I can find boracare in smaller quantities, or do you know of another product that will work?