You,misinterpret me...It was an actual legitimate question,to qualify any further debate and not to tell you to shove off..I meant no disrespect and cant think of any reason,why i would present that attitude toward you,,so no applause necessary

I would venture to say,that my criteria of longevity,stems from a bow,my grandfather gave to me when i was about 10.It was a long bow,of about 68",if memory serves me well.He made this bow,before my mother was born.How much he shot it,i couldnt tell you for sure,but based on the wear marks from use and the string follow,,it exhibited,i would safely assume it was substantial..I "Shot the crap out of" that bow,from that time,up until i was in high school..That was 6 or 7 years,with a bow,that was probably made in the 40's and shot quite a bit,before i handled it in the 70's..I cant say for sure how many arrows i put through that bow,,but would venture to guess in the higher end hundreds..I later gave it to my brother,who shot it periodically,until a nephew severely abused and broke it...{ i still havent let him live that one down}..I can assure you,that i have made several shorter,more highly stressed bows and none of them,have survived the length of time,and abuse,that i inflicted on that long bow..Was that bow,the pinnacle of efficiency and performance?...No,,not even close,but it did the job,on numerous occasions,dependably...,and since
Longevity and user friendly was the topic,thus far,, i stand by my opinion regarding the subject..BUT,,,,,If you can prove this,to the contrary,i eagerly await those results,and will applaud you,should you be successful.....