Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

New PB

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Del the cat:
In the interest of fairness I confess I do use mm for width and thickness of bow limb as they are V convenient, but I hate all other metric measures with a passion.  ;D
I wouldn't recognise a gram or a kilometer if they bit bit me on the backside.  :o

Nice shot Leon. and thanks for the pics, the bow has performance and appearance, especially like the snaky handle.

Del, you are on the wrong side of the pond to complain about euro things,  >:D
(did you know that in merica most folks read "New PB" and wonder why the guy is posting about his jar of peanut butter?)


--- Quote from: Del the cat on April 13, 2018, 07:20:39 am ---Congrats, nice one :)
Lovely looking bow  :)
But enough of the meters already  ;) . Yards is what we want, none of your fancy pants foreign measurements. You'll be giving us draw weight in kilos next  ::) .
Interesting that your arrow flew straight with the COG behind centre... I've seen some fly like a corkscrew with the weight too close to centre. Maybe the fatter back end and the flights keep it going straight? Any thoughts, comments anyone?
Is the nock reinforced with horn?
2 pics look like Ipe belly, but in one pic (on the right) the belly looks pale???
PS. I've gone metric every inch of the way  ;D

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Thanks Del!
You probably know that over here it is meters that count so might as well teach them some metrics here 8)

But the arrow just has a self nock without reinforcement, tried it a few times and did not fail yet so my last few arrows I did it like this.
In the photo the bow has no finish on it so the ipe looks very dull. It has a few coats of danish oil now so it looks a lot darker now. Will take some pics with my “real” camera soon.
We had some tailwind so maybe that is why the arrow worked so good? I will try to make a front heavy arrow of the same overal weight and try it from this bow to see what the difference is!


--- Quote from: Badger on April 13, 2018, 08:17:36 am ---   Excellent shot!  Those long low string angle levers are very effective at maintaining efficiency with light arrows.  Do you happen to know the speed at which the arrow left the bow? My guess would be about 225 to 230 with clean flight.

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Thanks! This flight stuff is addictive ;D
But no, although I have a chrono I rarely use it. I have to figure out a safe backstop for my flight arrows and will get back with results


--- Quote from: Badger on April 13, 2018, 08:21:21 am ---   When we talk about center on an arrow I don't believe the true center reflects what the dynamic center actually is. I believe we can have the mass centered slightly behind center but still be in front of dynamic center.

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This could well be the case, I am experimenting with arrows a lot now just to figure out the dynamics a bit better. I read all the postst in this forum but somehow just trying what works and what not makes me understand it easier


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