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Hard work well rewarded leonwood.Congratulations!!!Good feeling to go past your previous best.I like that design.Most all my bows for quite some time have that lever type design.Mostly self bows though.I just shoot through the chrono so far with great results.I'll see what happens at Mo Jam flight shoot with them.Need an education on arrows too I'm sure.I'm ready to eat crow though...Ha Ha Ha.


--- Quote from: Aaron H on April 17, 2018, 07:28:35 am ---Congrats!  Great results from a well crafted set.   Looks like you saved weight out on the tips by using maple, or is that just thicker bamboo?

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Yes I glued an extra lam in the tips. I did this both for weight reduction and to glue some reflex in the levers


--- Quote from: BowEd on April 17, 2018, 07:48:33 am ---Hard work well rewarded leonwood.Congratulations!!!Good feeling to go past your previous best.I like that design.Most all my bows for quite some time have that lever type design.Mostly self bows though.I just shoot through the chrono so far with great results.I'll see what happens at Mo Jam flight shoot with them.Need an education on arrows too I'm sure.I'm ready to eat crow though...Ha Ha Ha.

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Thanks, the feeling of seeing your arrow dissapear on you when you release is pretty awesome. And even better when you can't seem to find your arrows and find out they are 60 yards away in the next field ;D

But I am building a shorter, more extreme selfbow version out of mulberry now, hope to get a new selfbow record as well;-)

Post some pics of the Mojam shoot here if you can, would love to see what everybody comes up with!

The Mo Jam shoot is just a broadhead type shoot,but I'm sure they'll be plenty of pics like there usually is at Mo Jam.

Excellent shooting Leonwood! You make it seem too easy. :D I've noticed that you make a lot of recurves, do you shoot flight with them also?
Can i ask what was the deflection of your arrow in 22" spine test?


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