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Last week we had a small flight competition along with a traditional clout shoot. No strict classes or rules, just see who shoots an arrow from a wooden bow the longest way.

The weather could not have been better, moderate wind and sunny (first nice spring weekend here in the Netherlands!)

Lately I have been working on a few flightbows and some new arrows (Thanks Tuomo;-)). Finished an ipe/boo mollegabet style bow just in time so I decided to try it at the competition without ever shooting it before.

So my previous personal best was 280 meters (306 yards) with a 55 pound mulberry flatbow and I was hoping to go past 300 meters with this one.

So I shot two spruce arrows and one purpleheart. The purpleheart was too weak and went off to the right but the spruce arrow went 349 meters! (381 yards)

I could not have been happier with the result! Working towards some new personal flight records all winter and got it at the first shoot ;D
A friend of mine managed to persuade a land owner to use his field for flightshooting so we also have a place to test out the other bows and arrows we are working on.

Some specs of the bow and pics:
The bows length is about 60" ntn and draws about 70@26. Glued it up as a moderate rd and it kept it's shape really well. Started off with a little longer levers but they where too unstable so I cut an inch off each to fix that.
String is 6 strand fastflight so that helped a lot I guess

The arrow is spruce and is 26" long and weighs 264 grains. It has no point and a self nock and the balance point is about an inch behind the centre. Fletching is rawhide, a little over an inch long and a little over a quarter inch high

Del the cat:
Congrats, nice one :)
Lovely looking bow  :)
But enough of the meters already  ;) . Yards is what we want, none of your fancy pants foreign measurements. You'll be giving us draw weight in kilos next  ::) .
Interesting that your arrow flew straight with the COG behind centre... I've seen some fly like a corkscrew with the weight too close to centre. Maybe the fatter back end and the flights keep it going straight? Any thoughts, comments anyone?
Is the nock reinforced with horn?
2 pics look like Ipe belly, but in one pic (on the right) the belly looks pale???
PS. I've gone metric every inch of the way  ;D

   Excellent shot!  Those long low string angle levers are very effective at maintaining efficiency with light arrows.  Do you happen to know the speed at which the arrow left the bow? My guess would be about 225 to 230 with clean flight.

   When we talk about center on an arrow I don't believe the true center reflects what the dynamic center actually is. I believe we can have the mass centered slightly behind center but still be in front of dynamic center.

Real nice shot!  25 kg is a bit over my pull ability, but a good range for a lot of folks.   >:D Del, those metrics must be a military thing!  The Army spent over 30 years teaching me how to speak metric, now I have to learn to not talk about "kliks"( kilometers) anymore.  However, the the Bolder Boulder Road run(walk in my case) is still 10 kilometers(6.2 miles) - it's those darn little milis and centis that give me trouble!  It has to be some sort of subversive plot! LOL! >:D.      :BB :NN (SH)


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