well just thought i would bring everyone up to date on this one.
well the bow is as complete as its going to get now.
the hickory was staned with minwax JACOBEAN stain,sanded and another quick coat of stain that was rubbed off 3 minutes later and then sanded again, i think it gave it a nice rustic look. the boo had the waxy rine removed sanded smooth. the entire bow was the sealed with three coats of minwax semi gloss polyurethane.
each coat was brushed on,let dry for about 12 hours,sanded,and then the next coat etc.
i know the tiller isnt perfect ,but i think it looks good enough,maybe with time i'll get better.
i think the string tracks fairly well. i still need to put another 50 arrows or so thru it by next monday when it gets delivered,but it seems to shoot fairly well.i dont notice any hand shock.
i know sme people like a lot of pics,so ill see what i can do.
the final stats are: 71 inches ntn ,40 lbs @ 29.5 inches from back of bow.

well thats about it.
i would like to thank everyone for reading/looking and for all comments and advise.