I used Pro Bed, it dries a dark brown. I think once Im done there wont be enough left to tell much. I am working on an overlay today around the whole raised panel. I wont do this mistake again! I was so conscious of where I wanted the ban in relation to the breech plug and the location of the front of the lock bolt not being in the ramrod hole that I didn't realize how low I had the rear of the lock. I don't know why I was so worried about the front because I never intended to have a front lock bolt, only the rear on this southern gun.
Another mistake that I made but it worked out, is when I cut out the profile I got a little thin where the triggers go and using the double set triggers with that long trigger plate the angle didn't match well. I had to really grind down the front and back of the plate as well as the trigger bars. From now own I will have my parts on hand before I cut out the stock to make sure that everything works before hand.
Im building a 62 smooth bore now from a cherry blank and its going very well. Its been a challenge inletting that octagon to round tapered barrel!