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   Arrow length id not fixed. A longer deeper arrow shelf allows you to use a lighter shorter arrow for the same draw length.

If minimum arrow length is 24", then it can be considered fixed. And it is fixed if you compare two different bows with different kind of handles. Then, maximum distance between belly side of the handle and string is 24 inches. It is insignificant, what kind of the handle is. And power stroke is always the same (if arrow is 24"). If the handle is very thick toward belly side, then limbs are stressed more compared to forward handle, whereupon the bow can be reflexed more - for same stresses. Lets suppose that brace height is for example 4" (brace height is always distance between string and deepest point of the handle or arrow pass point=).

It is balance between arrow length, power stroke, brace height and limb stresses - and handle thickness is insignificant variable (supposing fixed length).

Please clarify...



--- Quote from: Tuomo on April 04, 2018, 10:16:27 am ---If minimum arrow length is 24", then it can be considered fixed. And it is fixed if you compare two different bows with different kind of handles. Then, maximum distance between belly side of the handle and string is 24 inches. It is insignificant, what kind of the handle is. And power stroke is always the same (if arrow is 24"). If the handle is very thick toward belly side, then limbs are stressed more compared to forward handle, whereupon the bow can be reflexed more - for same stresses. Lets suppose that brace height is for example 4" (brace height is always distance between string and deepest point of the handle or arrow pass point=).

It is balance between arrow length, power stroke, brace height and limb stresses - and handle thickness is insignificant variable (supposing fixed length).

Please clarify...

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The handle depth allows the archer to set the deepest part of the grip at less than the 2” total depth to allow for bow hand clearance, yet leave a bit of a shelf extending rearward to create a small overdraw.  Simply lowering the brace height has its limits. Too low, and the typical self bow loses efficiency, the archer experiences painful string slap, and the arrow Flight becomes very difficult to tune for a finger release.

My own opinion: This handle depth rule has been in place since the beginning, but I have also questioned the value which some of these dimensional limits adds to the competition. The intent was to limit building out the handle depth to create a large overdraw, but I don’t know why this should matter.  I feel the same is true for the minimum 23” arrow length. Why not allow it to be 14” like all the other bow divisions?  For primitive Flight bows, I feel it makes sense to regulate the materials and how they are used.  Fortunately, the Primitive divisions are mostly divorced from traditional or historical design style requirements and I feel allowing different styles to compete head-to-head is a strength.



--- Quote from: Tuomo on April 04, 2018, 10:16:27 am ---If minimum arrow length is 24", then it can be considered fixed. And it is fixed if you compare two different bows with different kind of handles. Then, maximum distance between belly side of the handle and string is 24 inches. It is insignificant, what kind of the handle is. And power stroke is always the same (if arrow is 24"). If the handle is very thick toward belly side, then limbs are stressed more compared to forward handle, whereupon the bow can be reflexed more - for same stresses. Lets suppose that brace height is for example 4" (brace height is always distance between string and deepest point of the handle or arrow pass point=).

It is balance between arrow length, power stroke, brace height and limb stresses - and handle thickness is insignificant variable (supposing fixed length).

Please clarify...

--- End quote ---

  You need to test that for yourself to see the difference.

Thanks Alan I will shorten the arrow rest on one bow and add a1/4" to another. 23" min arrow length


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