Yes it did Ed. Guess which one and why?
Del so why do we have different tiller profiles?
We have different profiles to suit the wood, but the profiles basically only have two types wide and thin or narrow and thick. (let's ignore the Molle'

There isn't a vast difference in front profile unless you go to extremes like paddle bows. A bit of width taper is neither here nor there as width is vastly less important than thickness.
IMO cross section is prob' more important than front profile.
You choose the cross section to suit the wood,
E.G. With Hazel and many other white woods one would favour a wider thinner design, or if you want to go narrow, you'd probably go lower poundage or trap the back.
So, take a wide flat profile at 2" wide... you could leave it 2" wide all the way along the limb, but it would be a pig to make sensible nocks... so you taper it a bit at the tips. But do you make it a leaf shape or a true pyramid or just taper the last 6"?
It doesn't make much differnce, 'cos by the time you've blended it in, they will all look similar.
What shape do you tiller it to? Whatever takes your fancy! I tend to go arc of a circle, 'cos it's easier to define and check. Others like some undefined "ellipse" each to his own... but to be honest I don't see much correlation between front profile and tiller shape, I think the differences are minimal.
But like I say others have their view, and that's the joy of this cussing and insults, we each argue our case.
The only problem is, it'd be more entertaining over a beer
