Just finished this bow stand for an upcoming presentation I'm giving. Made it from a salvaged fir 2x12. Softened the edges with a carving ax. The finish is polymerized linseed oil mixed with coffee and citrus solvent. Really happy with the patina.
It holds 8 of my favorite bows. The three snakeskin bows on the left are S Great Central Valley and Great Basin inspired. The two in the center are replicas of a bow found in a San Bernardino area cave, followed by Achomawi, Hupa, and Tolowa replicas from N Cali. The two little guys laying down are bows I made for my daughter when she was ~4 and ~8.
100% of the materials on every bow are the same as those used prehistorically. Nothing artificial. The woods are Yew, Juniper, Chokecherry, Willow, and Plum. 7 of the 10 are sinew backed. A couple have Dogbane strings. Much respect for the Native people!