Badger: "On an R/D bow you have several angles going on at once," Yeah, this is it, too. They are interrelated and at different stages from resting to brace to draw they effect each other.
BayouBen, that doesn't sound like cheating to me, but good planning. Probably took me longer, but I do the same. I thickness taper my belly or cores on a table I made using my power hand planer, then add kind of long reverse wedges to the tips. MY biggest problems came from bows that were WAY stiffer than intended draw weight so that by the time I got it down under ridiculous, I'd messed up somewhere.
Ben, what do you recommend for thickness taper? I never got very scientific about it, but say I take a healthy 70" long x 3/8" lam and I'm adding a 1/8"-3/16" backing and a powerlam. Do you taper it to half the thickness? Or, until it bends evenly to an arc?
I'll leave a foot untapered in the middle (so my fades will come off about where the limb taper starts) and thickness taper from there to just under 1/4" thick at the tips. Then, I may add back 1/8" tip wedges 10" or so long. Can you add anything to improve my method?