I think it's all very fine margins...my mate JT shot one of my flight ELBs on Sunday, very hot, head wind... about 50 yards short

, yet he was getting back a full draw where last time he was short drawing.
It's very hard to change one variable without effecting the others.
Im sure we are all shooting barrelled arrows and just an extra 0.2mm diameter in the middle can add stiffness, but o you taper sharply at the ends and leave a good few inches in the middle fatter or tape all the way up to the thickest point?
It's all very subtle. Fat at the back gives a poor FOC... or is it poor? Hickman says you want 10% FOC but the Turkish arrows are behind centre. Do you need more mass and more FOC in a head wind?
So many questions... hopefully a bit of variation in the arrows and I may stumble across the best match to the bow.
I've just made one a whisker fatter in the middle but more tapered at the ends so it's prob dynamically stiffer, I've got the balance point about 1.5" front of centre... weighed it and the scale read 190 gn!!!

My instincts kicked in and I though... that can't be right!! So I got another flight arrow and weighed that 275gn... re-weighed the new one 260gn, that's more believable.
Maybe I hadn't let the scale zero.

Prob' with an ELB flight bow is the width at the grip.... just how low a brace dare I go for max powerstroke without risking snapped arrows?
That's what keep us playin' this game
