Another way to look at it is that the scaled up giant bow will have the same ratio of arrow mass to stored energy as the normal size bow.
Playing around with the numbers
Normal bow: 300 grain flight arrow / 45 ft-lb = 6.67
Giant bow: 518,400 grain flight arrow / 77,600 ft-lb = 6.67
How about draw weight? The proportion of the draw weight X draw length to stored energy for the normal size bow will be the same as the giant bow.
Giant bow draw weight = 77,600 ft-lb * (50lb * 28”/12” per foot) / 28 ft = 7,185 pounds!
In order for the giant bow to complete its launch in the same amount of time as the normal size bow, the acceleration of the arrow would have to be much higher in order to accelerate the giant flight arrow over a much longer distance, but this isn’t the case. The acceleration of the arrow at the moment of release for the flight arrow of each bow is as follows:
Regular bow arrow acceleration:
Mass to be accelerated = 300 grain flight arrow + 200 grains virtual mass = 500 grains = .00222 slugs
Acceleration = force/mass = 50lb / .00222 slugs = 22,500 ft/s^2
Giant bow:
Mass to be accelerated = 518,400 grain fligh this arrow + 345,600 grains virtual mass = 3.83 slugs
Acceleration = 7,185 lb / 3.83 slugs = 1,874 ft/s^2
The ratio of the arrow acceleration for the regular bow to the giant bow is the same as the scale ratio of the large bow to the small bow. In other words, it will take the giant bow 12 times longer to complete the shot compared to the regular size bow.
Length scale ratio: 80 ft/80 in = 12
Acceleration scale ratio: = 22,500 ft/s^2 / 1,874 ft/s^2 = 12
