Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Working on a giant bow to beat Allen Case!

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   I was intuitively thinking the same thing Allen, theoretically the surface of the wood can't be under any more strain than a small bow but it seems there would have to be some extra strain from something so large I am not accounting for. I actually want to establish the feasibility of the project before I go to far. Working with a large piece of lumber would really simplify it but I am having my doubts as to whether or not they could handle sufficient strain.

Sadly, the old growth trees that would yield some 30' limbs are getting scarce. I wonder just how much one would have to scale back their expectations for the strength of materiel with a lot of well done lamination?

--- Quote ---it seems there would have to be some extra strain from something so large I am not accounting for.
--- End quote ---

I think the limb strains will scale with a static analysis, although the dynamics of the tip return speed might be something to look into.

I wonder if limbs will sag under their own weight?

  Sleek, depending on the wood the limbs will weigh somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000#, I don't believe they will sag, hopefully not anyway.

  Willie, just from some small tests I have played with it doesn't seem like it is going to scale up very well. The 20 footer should tell me a lot.


--- Quote from: Badger on March 21, 2018, 02:37:54 pm ---  Sleek, depending on the wood the limbs will weigh somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000#, I don't believe they will sag, hopefully not anyway.

  Willie, just from some small tests I have played with it doesn't seem like it is going to scale up very well. The 20 footer should tell me a lot.

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  The testing will be based on a percentage of stored energy rather than peek draw force. Example. a 66" stores roughly 50# energy and we shoot an arrow that is about 1/1000  of 50#. So arrow weight of 1/1000 of stored energy is what the testing will be using.


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