Thanks for the input. I figured it would have to have some effect, I just wondered what the tipping point was. Of course, a before-and-after session with the chronograph could be used to see the impact. At this point, I ordered a kit from Dave Mead but want to experiment on my longbow with a leather handle wrap and do some binding at the tips and handle with thread. Might use shark for the handle wrap.
Can I get any input on thread, paints and finishes? I see that 3Rivers has silk thread but I have some relatively heavy polyester leather stitching thread that looks like a good weight for this purpose. I can get that stuff in big 1lb spools and use it for other things. Does it really matter? Again, if there are books that explain all this stuff, I have no problem doing my own research.
I'm going to be drawing up my first quiver this week.
Wow, real friendly crowd, or something. I came here with a lot of enthusiasm and lost it almost immediately with the crappy response in this thread. No wonder it's going to hell in a hand basket.