Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Power lams

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Does a power lams push a backed bow into the composite bow class?

Built up handle sections are allowed. If it doesn't exceed the maximum handle length I think it would be ok. I used one in a simple comp bow that I was worried might have to be registered in complex composite because of the power lam, but the power lam was short enough that it still allowed me to qualify as simple comp.

Thanks Steve. Do you have a link to a rules page with a little more detail than this one  file:///D:/Data/Downloads/01_USAA%20General%20Flight%20Rules%20(3).pdf

  I will see if I can find the link and post it.

the only info I have found is on this page.            the links to pdf's are red.
there are links in the pdf's  to other rules to be used in tandem, but they are broken for me.


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