Got a little done between chores, fixing a trailer, and running errands today(gotta love these longer days!
). Got it roughed out, bending a little bit on the floor, and about 99% of the rough tool marks removed. Limbs are about.
1 7/8”. I tapered the tips the last 8” to 1/2” tips for now. Really don’t like the looks of that, would like to taper it from 12” or so but a little snake starts about 8 1/2” from one tip and I don’t want to cut through that wiggly grain.. Not sure how I’m gonna handle it, but I don’t like the way it looks. Don’t like the way them wide limbs look for that matter lol.
Gonna get it bending enough with a long string to brace then heat the belly and remove the slight prop twist if I can. I may induce some reflex too, undecided now.