Swampman, That's looking awesome! I was actually thinking of trying a Cherokee style bow like that myself, and that is inspiring to see.
Just for an update on my limited progress:
I just received a couple of staves in the mail this weekend! Both are well seasoned. One is a yew stave, because my son has been wanting to try and build a yew ELB. The other is a vine maple stave. I've been admiring some of the bows people have been turning out with vine maple and have really wanted to give it a try. I believe this will be my stave for this project. My interests lately have been in building bendy handle plains style bows, so I've been thinking I would just keep with my momentum for this project, and build one a little bit longer, but still bending through the handle, such as a Cherokee style. Now I'm just a little concerned that using vine maple for such a bow may be a little inappropriate since I'm sure Cherokees were not getting their hands on vine maple, but maybe something similar. I also have a friend who has offered to let me use some of his stock of seasoned pecan and elm, so there's a small chance I may go that route. I may be getting corrective eye surgery this weekend, which will keep me out of the workshop if that happens, but if I can't start shaving some staves this week, I will definitely get to it next week.