Thanks for the input, Badger, PatM, and Hamish.
I have done all of the above, and continue to do so. This is not the be all-end all, but another tool in the box.
PatM, Fiber-Fix probably is still the best option, but I don't always have it lying around, and I do have the other stuff. It's not available everywhere, but it's more like 2 bows worth, and it degrades when exposed to air. (Meaning I may not get to use the other half if it's more tha a couple weeks. And, yes, another thing that works is making a TD with a piece of pipe.
Steve, I can make a Z splice reasonably well, too, and have done a couple dozens. Nothing wrong with them, and on bigger billets, probably prefered. But this is splice is MUCH easier for skinny little sapling staves under 3", at least for me. I do it all the time, and this particular glue and tape combo is just a new idea.
Hamish, it doesn't need the surface area of a regular W splice, and it's far stronger than a side by side. The o ly issue is that the handle/fade area has to extend well pastwhere the spl8ce comes out anteriorly. I'm not the first person to do it the splice, Baker does it in the TBB. The only new thing here is the tape and glue combo.
Honestly, I USUALLY don't even bother splicing backings, and often have them end inches short of eachother. However, I also usually grind the corners down and apply overlays.