Author Topic: To remove or knot to remove, that is the question? Got it to 37lbs @ 29" profile  (Read 7005 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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Not sure if you can see it way over here in the bean patch across the road and down the creek a ways, but I am beaming with pride for you!
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Offline lebhuntfish

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Im glad it worked out for you BJ. I  personally would have probably gotten rid of the knot all together.  It would be narrow there but you could make that up in thickness when you tiller it.  That being said,  it would be a tough call without having the stave in hand to make the decision. 

If you pike it try not to take much off.  A character stave does deserve some curves though!

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Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

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Online bjrogg

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I think I can see you JW
Patrick I really thought hard and long about doing that. The limb in the knot didn't come out square. It kinda came out a little sideways. It's like you said one of those staves you just gotta see and have in your hands. I'm thinking I might try a small pike. It would fit my wife better with same weight but shorter draw. Still thinking. Had a friend call that had a HHB in his way. Just got back from getting it.
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Offline upstatenybowyer

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I think the tiller looks awesome. If I were you I would pike 3/4" on each tip, pretty 'er up and call 'er done.  ;)  (-S
"Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands."

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Online bjrogg

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Thanks Jeff, I'm thinking that's probably what I'll do. I want to at least pike it that much and see how it feels. I actually feel pretty good about the knot now but who knows. It seems to be bending pretty good.
PS I case anyone is wondering the profile pictures are at bottom of page 2.
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Offline BowEd

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BJ....Nice challenge whooped looks like to me.Nice bend on that stick.You've made bows from every scrap of that stave now ehh???I quess the question is what is your wifes' comfortable draw length and weight?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 08:02:38 am by BowEd »
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Online bjrogg

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Thanks Ed. Yea that's really the question now. I made a kinda poorly tillered bend through the handle Elm bow that she likes to shoot. Her draw is anywhere for 24 to 18 depending on how she's doing. Not the greatest form yet and she hasn't shoot since last fall but she is working on it. Probably her biggest problem is she tends to let her bow arm come back as she's releasing her arrow. She was getting better though and seemed to be enjoying herself. She asked me to help her when I got home at night so that's all good. I think I might just pike it a bit and try for something around 30 @ 24". I'll probably just take it home and let her draw it first. I can always shorten it
. Bjrogg
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Offline Morgan

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You done good on that one BJ. One mans firewood is another’s bow I reckon. I sure wouldn’t have tried that. Well done.

Online bjrogg

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Thanks Morgan, in this case it might be one ladies bow. Hopefully it's not going to be firewood yet. My wife might clunck me over the head with it if it broke while she was shooting it.
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Very nice. Looks good. I am glad it has worked out for you, BJ. Jawge
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Shoot it plenty, BJ. That type of failure doesn't always happen the first 100 shots, if its going to at all.
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Online bjrogg

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Shoot it plenty, BJ. That type of failure doesn't always happen the first 100 shots, if its going to at all.

Pearl that's what I'm thinking to. I cut 1 1/2" off each tip. I think it should be close to right for my wife now but I'm going to shoot it a bunch before I let her. I did shape the handle now to so no going to a bendy anymore. I haven't put it on scales since I piked it. It actually shoots nice and the knot that was along side it that's split out makes a nice arrow pass for my lefty wife.

Thanks George. It's worked so far but I still need to shot the snott out of it. It's hanging with the rest of my shooters now. It really seems to be holding up great but who really ever knows with something like this.

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Online bjrogg

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I shot it about 25x then put it back on tree. I pulled it to 39lbs@26" and it looked like it would go further but I really don't plan on it normally going that far. I shot it another 25 and unstrung it. It doesn't look like it took any set. So far I'm impressed. I do believe the wood that is left is solid wood and it is bending. Time will tell. If it survives I already have a name pick out.

For my wife I think it about right.

First picture is 31lbs @23" I doubt my wife will pull more than that.

Second picture is 36lbs @25"
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Offline Bob Barnes

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Great save..
Seems like common sense isn't very common any more...

Offline TimBo

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That's a textbook bend on a less-than-textbook stave!