Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Bare shafting flight arrows

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Barrel them. I am getting 60-65 spine 450grain finish arrow length 29" in the 380s. They now spine around 50-55. This is Douglas furr. Getting 40-50 gfains off each end. Sitka Spruce you should get even lower.  Arvin

I'm trying to get below 300 grains finished. Barrelling definitely helps but not enough. 

  What weight bow will you be shooting, 200 grains is pretty easy to reach with most stiff arrow woods like Doug fir and POC for a 50# bow. 100# bow maybe 270 or so.


--- Quote ---I can't seem to get much below 300 no matter what.
--- End quote ---

Don, what is preventing you from reducing them even further?
are you judging from a spine measurement or shooting them unsuccesfully?

It's only 38#. It normally wants about a 50# spine with about a 50 grain point. I took the point off a 30# 28" bamboo one and replaced it with a piece of Ocean Spray. That gave me a 298 arrow. Just shooting at my target I can see the arrow bending back and forth like mad. I was reading Perry's chapter on flight bows last night and one of the things he was talking about was testing for max dry fire where he tried various arrows through the chrono to arrive at the lightest reasonable arrow. I could never get any results from my chrono with this arrow dancing around like it does. I'm missing something here. Unfortunately we will only rarely get the field so lots of testing is not an option.


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