Good advice, I totally get what you mean by using the rasp, penciling in and then the scraper. I do something simmilar when I do gel work on boats.
To all here, Steve was the one who inspired my whole lam bow design from all his wood bow building theorys. I lurked and listened in on all his posts for a long time before ever chatting with him and then when I finally did I was pretty excited to tell him what I did and how well it worked! He always tells me he knows nothing about lam bows but I tell him he has already built dozens of them, just with me going through the motions. But this is really going to be fun, I can tell. I cant wait for next hunting season already when I get to take an all wood primitive bow into the woods.
I did make a little progress tonight. I rounded off the back real nice and then started on the belly. Still a long way to go as I tried to flex it but it still takes quite a bit, but it is starting. I just thru in a few pics of the progress. Will probably file some grooves and start with long stringing it tomorrow or next day.(BTW, I have no clue about what I just said)

I can tell this is a good group of people here. Thanks all for the help I really appriciate any helpfull hints and advice

still quite stiff and takes a bit of leaning on it to get it to bend.