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Distance apps

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I downloaded Track Kit. I walked back and forth in the front yard which is 27.5 meters. I did it 5 times and got 33,38,27,36 and 26. I would call that acceptable 1 out of 5 times. Alan, do you get better results than that? I have pretty poor cell signal here but it's using GPS. I would call this useless as is.

Wow, that is pretty bad. I haven’t had your experience. Cell tower access isn’t great at a place like the Bonneville Salt Flats, but it does have a clear view to the sattelites on the horizon. Once I mark a point, I can blindly walk back to that point and will be within a step of my marker flag. I have even revisited a point I marked two years prior and found myself almost standing on the corroded remains of a flag I forgot to retrieve.

There are a couple of things in the app that can foul up the measurement. One is to make sure it is actually measuring between the Blue points marked. It will allow you to select a measurement near, but not snapped to the point sometimes and this can throw the measurements off.


Thanks Alan. I'll have to play with it a bit. I've just been using the red bar that appears at the top of the home page I'll have to look for the blue measuring points. I'm not very good at this kind of stuff. Too old and set in my ways, I guess. Do you know if there is some kind of tutorial? Maybe a Youtube thing?


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