So I got quite a bit of deer leg sinew (and some back sinew) from George Stoneberg (thanks George!!!) a while back, and finally worked up the guts to use it. I've been eyeing this sweet little osage fencepost bow I made a couple years ago, and I think she's a perfect candidate. I was hoping to get a hunting bow out of her, but there just wasn't enough good wood left after taking away all the rot from the fencepost. She's 52" ntn, about 35-40# at my 26" draw. I want to lay a couple courses of sinew and see how she responds. I got her shooting, then applied shellac as a temporary sealant until I could decide what I wanted to do with her. She had a few issues: a good deal of natural deflex out of the grip area, a gouge in the grip running length-wise or about 6" that I filled with osage dust and glue, and a windcheck splitting the last 8 inches of one limb. I made an ugly side nock to keep that check together all the way to the tip instead of running out before the nock, I was a little nervous about that.
Per the title, this was a fencepost that was verified to have gone in the ground over 100 years ago, and was a quarter from a very large tree, so the wood is in the 150 to 200 year old range. Pretty cool.
I know string angle is going to be an issue at this length, so I went ahead and recurved the tips today. Had good success with a new method I'm trying for steaming, whereas usually these old fence post bows get all kinds of splits and break apart when I boil, heat gun, or steam otherwise. Here is her current status:
Side profile before recurving:

Front profile before recurving:

Side profile after recurving:

Front profile after recurving:

The wind check with ugly nock:

I think I'll treat it normally now and just wrap the beginning of the split with sinew.
I also have a couple of snake skins I may apply as well ( I think a rattler that George also bestowed upon me, and another my aunt killed that I don't remember what type it was, but it had a beautiful skin).
I've had thoughts of backsetting the grip and making her a 5 curve bow as well. What your y'alls thoughts?