Lovely bow!
I would be interested in knowing what kind of epoxy or glue you use to adhere the wood into the metal takedown sleeves?
I've used "UHU endfest 300" in this case (open time about 2 hours), but I think every good epoxi will work. It's more on preparing the surface, degreasing carefully and rough surface.
Very nice Simon. What are the black rings at the handle made of?
Just a piece of leather lacing, to hide the metal sleeves. When put together you cannot see it's a td (ignoring the mass).
Another awesome bow Simon! Nice to see those five curves, not many people make those. You got this bow working to the max at fulldraw too, string is almost 90 degrees. Great bow! Oh love that is is kinda snakey as well 
I found a liking on the 5 curves lately, the side profiles are eyecandy. If I remember right I haven't made this design for years.
This one is brought to the limits - you're right, will not draw this bow further. The snakiness is an accident, I hadn't another billet handy.
THANKS everybody for commenting!