This bow was in the fuming pipe for about a week and the result was a very nice multi colored appearance. The early wood rings took much more of the fuming. At a specific light angle there is a wonderful 3d effect in the wood, looks like black / brown strokes are laying in a transparent gold. Sorry, the pics show only an impression. The back was prepared with osage soup (solution from sawdust, tanning acid and alcohol) which brought an almost black color. After light sanding I got the desired matching color.
Design is a deflex/reflex, sharp deflex immediately after the fades. Reason for that was, I always wanted to try that and I wanted a bow which can be drawn further than my normally 28” - just to train my shooting style. The stave took some effort to correct and balance out, unfortunately there were lots of cracks and wind checks (ring delamination). Most of them were avoidable, you can see one filled (with thin super glue -after the fuming!) crack near the arrow pass inlay. The steamed in recurves are working a bit. Cross section at fades is a crowned belly. Tapering into rectangular midlimb and he last 5 inches are a 5 edge (belly ridge). This design has no stack at all, wonderful smooth draw.
The overlays on tips and handle are bone and horn (both buffalo). Arrow pass inlay is also bone.
Some pics below, more are on my site.
ntn: 61”
bh: 6½”
max w: 1⅝”
mass: 690 grams
stiff handle
net reflex: 1½”
10”: 10,3
12”: 16,8 (+ 6,5)
14”: 21,9 (+ 5,1)
16”: 26,6 (+ 4,7)
18”: 31,0 (+ 4,4)
20”: 35,4 (+ 4,4)
22”: 39,9 (+ 4,5)
24”: 44,4 (+ 4,5)
26”: 48,7 (+ 4,3)
28”: 52,9 (+ 4,2)
30”: 57,0 (+ 4,1)
32”: 61,0 (+ 4,0)