John, I scribe a line say 5/8" down from the back, rasp at an angle to that line making a facet on each side of both limbs then remove the crown, even out the belly and check at floor tiller. If needed I will go down another 1/8", scribe another line and do as before. Once it gets bending nicely I'll go to using just a scraper.
Start at the handle and give it full length scrapes. I usually go 20 scrapes at a time on each limb, check floor tiller then remove more wood. As the limb starts to bend you can concentrate more at mid and the outer portion of the limb. Now is a good time to cut in temporary string nocks and consider a long tiller string so you can start exercising the limbs after wood removal, look over the bending limbs and mark the stiff spots and the areas that are bending so you can adjust tiller. Never pull past desired draw weight on the tiller string while exercising and viewing.