Hello Guys and Gals. This is my first hickory bow and my 4th successful build. I bought this online from a not so well know vendor a few months ago it was cheap. The board was 1.5 by 1 by 71. Now it is 67 inches t2t, 1 3/8 wide at the fade parallel for 8 inches tapering to .5 at the nocks. The glue on riser in cedar, its a tad under 12 inches and sits on 13/16ths of hickory the hickory makes up the last inch of riser at 14 inches. The handle is 7/8 wide 1.5/8 thick, fades are right at 4 inches. #58 @28. Sealed it with several coats of mineral oil (experiment) and a lil charcoal, nothing fancy blue collar working bow. Gizmo and yard stick says its good tiller pic looks off but its right. The issue I had with it was a twist, the grain as viewed from the end made a sharp 90? this limb developed a twist which threw the string off. I tillered, I heated, I filed nocks but it kept coming back like Rocky Balboa after Apollo Creed. So I will live with it. It was the top limb so I flipped it over made it the bottom so that the string is closer to strike plate. Put a couple hundred arrows through it this morning, shoots pretty good twist and all no hand shock, the string tracks consistently in a line so what the hey. Overall I'm happy, it will sling an arrow were I'm looking and bury a zwickey to the fletch in my hay bail. Okay the hay bail is a lil worn but it buries them like my #55 glass recurve.
Thanks for the help Guys.

Ever wonder why hillbillies flip the front brim up their hat straight up, now ya know.