You say you heat deflexed it. I'm going to build a jig as you show and give that a try. I've always just put the handle in a vice and hung a weight off the limb, using heat until the weight hit a stop. But maybe forcing it via clamps is a better way to go.
Do you heat it up first, then work quickly to get it into the jig? Or are you applying heat while its in the jig?
Last question is - when I use my heat/vice/weight method - I don't use weights that are heavier than my desired draw. Thinking that more weight is like over drawing when its on the tree. When clamping, how do you know if you're putting too much stress (compression) on the wood?
Come to think of it, I'm hanging 50# off my limb, because my bow is to be 50# -- BUT, that still means my limb is getting 2x the weight it would get a desired draw wt.
Am I completely overthinking this???
But if I am, why is it so important then, not to draw over weight while tillering?
Oooh, soo much thinking for a monday.