Here is the knowlege i am going on to form my opinion. With heat straightening osage, when i am taking out twist, if i concetrate on to small a spot, i have opened up cracks simply by twisting the wood to correct it by simply clamping it to a board flat. These are usually where the twist is in one spot on the limb. I dont know how it will play out when spread out ober the entire limb length, but with a curve flattening on the entire limb, it seems it would still be likely to split and all at once and at full draw. As a safety measure ud wrap sinew in a few place up the limb to hold it together shoukd that happen. And it may not, but there us a point where it will, whether the curve of the hollow must be deaper, bow must be shorter, draw longer and weight hevuer, idk, this is all new, but there is a limit. Id reccomend finding it to learn more if anyone had a mind to.