Thanks guys,
Woodley: I didnt realize choke cherry could be brittle, but so far my experience has been good. This is the second bow I have made from choke cherry and I like it. I'm a little concerned about the tiller job and hand shock, but I've fired over 50 arrows through it so far and no ticking or anything that would indicate an issue. Good to know about the brittleness though.
Lehtis: I like the peg, the pic doesnt do it justice, its actually a piece of the heartwood and looks good in person. I'm not a fan of shooting over the knuckles. Just my preference.
Azmdted: I have the same issue with the twisting grain. What I do is find a straight 6" log and kerf it down the length with a circular saw and split it that way. Then I use a hatchet or ax to rough it out. Then VERY carefully use a draw knife to get it within about 1/4" of my final dimensions. Then use a sureform rasp and course rasp to take it down the rest of the way before sanding. Because of the twist you have to be very careful of tear outs when using a draw knife. I found that you can draw on direction on the right side of a limb and draw the other direction on the left side of the limb and make it work, you just have to be careful about it. But i have made two with choke cherry so far and no issues with the twisting grain as far as breaking or anything.
Dylanholderman: Thanks man, I will try to get a full draw pic up tonight