Another thing to remember is this tattoo thing is a fad, it will fade away over time like beatle haircuts, leisure suits, line dancing, beanie babies and Tickle Me Elmo dolls. This is the first major fad I have seen in my 70 years that you can't undo with a haircut, a change of clothes or taking up a different interest or hobby.
Most tattoos are horrendously poorly executed, the owners don't know this because they don't have any artistic ability. A rembrandt and the scribbling of a 6 year old look the same to them. I have artistic ability and can see what an abomination many of these tattoos are as far as art goes.
My advice as a crotchety old guy who has never been in lock step with the monkey see, monkey do kind of folk; I understand they are coming out with ink that will fade completely away in 5 years or so, wait for this ink, get your tattoo, keep it for 5 years and if you really like it alot after 5 years get permanently inked.
And no, I don't have any tats, every memory I cherish is firmly locked in my brain to be recalled anytime I want to reflect, I don't need any ink to remind me.